samedi 26 octobre 2013

19 Genius Improvements To Everyday Products

19 Genius Improvements To Everyday Products

1. Your toilet could have a sink on the cistern.

Your toilet could have a sink on the cistern.
This version is from Japan and is water-efficient in addition to saving tons of space.

2. Your outlets could be round so you could plug into them every which way.

Your outlets could be round so you could plug into them every which way.
Find the design idea here.

3. Your keyboard could be washable.

Your keyboard could be washable.
It’s real and available here.

4. Your flash drives could display the files they contain.

Your flash drives could display the files they contain.
So you’ll never accidentally turn in brony porn instead of a PowerPoint again. Find the design idea here.

5. Or be tear-and-share.

Or be tear-and-share.
Design here.

6. Your cereal bowl could prevent sogginess forevermore.

Your cereal bowl could prevent sogginess forevermore.
Buy it here.

7. Your cutting board could also hold your wine.

Your cutting board could also hold your wine.
This one is reasonably priced and totally adorable.

8. Or it could measure exactly how much you’re cutting.

Or it could measure exactly how much you're cutting.
Design here.

9. Your coffee cup could be edible.

Your coffee cup could be edible.
Although sadly this doesn’t seem to be for sale anywhere.

10. Your knives could all nest.

Your knives could all nest.
This is equal parts sleek and terrifying. Buy the set here.

11. Your paintbrushes could hang on the rim of paint cans.

Your paintbrushes could hang on the rim of paint cans.
No more drips! Design here.

12. Your ice tray could dispense the cubes for you.

Your ice tray could dispense the cubes for you.
It’s cut down on the amount of times you promptly drop them all on the floor. In progress from Quirky.

13. Your watch could use its words.

Your watch could use its words.
It’s available here.

14. Your luggage tag could shout your name.

Your luggage tag could shout your name.
Or at least politely ask others to.

15. You could have flat extension cords to run under rugs.

You could have flat extension cords to run under rugs.
Find a version of this here.

16. Your bottle opener could trap the cap.

Your bottle opener could trap the cap.
It’s magnetic to prevent caps from flying everywhere. In progress from Quirky.

17. Your spoon and your chopsticks could become one.

Your spoon and your chopsticks could become one.
Design idea here

18. Your fridge could have a camera inside to make grocery shopping a breeze.

Your fridge could have a camera inside to make grocery shopping a breeze.
Unless you enjoy having two full jugs of milk and no eggs to speak of. In progress from Quirky.

19. Your phone could make it easy to type and walk at the same time.

Your phone could make it easy to type and walk at the same time.
Get the app here, also this is not an excuse to be a dick or to get hit by cars.

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